Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Wall

Half of April is gone - and we officially passed Income Tax Day . . . here in Fremont, Nebraska, we celebrated that with some rain and then some wet, wet snow.  At least here it only stuck to the roofs and the grassy areas - not like out west where the interstate was closed for 17 hours because of all the snow they got!
Anyway this has been an exciting week - I was looking forward to the next to the last week when I finish up radiation and hopefully chemo.  I started off the week with radiation treatment #20 on Monday, April 11 and started week 5 of chemo on Wednesday, April 13.  This was also the week to get the newsletter out at church.  Everything was going along fine - until I got home from the Lenten service Wednesday night - gosh was I tired!  So, as is not uncommon, I fell asleep in the recliner and woke up around midnight or so and went to bed.  Got up not feeling too bad on Thursday morning, was still really tired - but I went to work because after all, my volunteers were coming to get the newsletter out.  Well by the time we got done putting things together I knew that I had to get it ready to go to the Post Office and go home!  (Thanks to Marvin & Myron it actually got to the Post Office.)  So that's exactly what I did - and went back to the recliner!  About 2:30 I called Dr. Z's office to say that I wasn't feeling well and thought I should stay home - they thought so too!  And I stayed home from Small Group that night too - I really missed you guys though!  So no radiation treatment on Thursday, April 14.  On Friday,  I had radiation treatment #23 - and they will add the one I missed on Thursday on to the end - so I will have radiation treatment #28 on Friday, April 22 (Good Friday).  I'm still not sure what I did to over extend myself, cos I hadn't had a very busy week at all, although I felt like I was fighting a cold - but I definitely hit the wall on Thursday.  Friday I went to work for half a day, and then came home and rested after that.  I hate to be such a weinie!  But Dr. Z told me on Friday that my energy and my immune system would bounce back pretty quickly after the radiation treatments and chemo were done.  I am hoping that when I see Dr. H next week he will tell me that I'm done with the chemo too, but we'll wait and see.  Either way - I'll keep you posted on where we're at!

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you take time out to rest lady! You can't be superwoman every day! Wishing you a very Happy Easter! Oh, please give Carrie a hug from me! She is such a dear! Take care -- hugs, Faith
